The Rysco Access Fitting is now available to provide chemical injection and sampling in pressurized process systems. The injection or sampling device can be inserted and removed safely utilizing specialist tooling and without the need for costly shut downs or temporary isolations. The Access Fitting is also available in both Flareweld and Raised Face Flange connection type. The Access Fitting is also available in both tee’d and direct injection/sample options. Specialized equipment for injection and sampling in all types of process systems is available on request.
- Category
- Products
- Maximum operating pressure of 6000 psig at 240°C
- (41,369kpa 399°F) or 232°C (450°F) for high temperature applications
- Minimum operating temperature of -56°C (-69°F)
- Mounting options for 2" - 36" pipelines
- 2" Flange ratings from 150# - 2500#
- Materials of construction A105, A350LF2, 316SS
- Meets NACE MR0175
- Complies with ASME B16