The Rysco Crossover Bleed Nipple eliminates the use of cumbersome conventional pipe fittings. All components constructed of 316L Stainless Steel which reduces susceptibility to corrosion and also allows for collection of flowing process fluids with minimal contamination. They are available in a variety of different diameters and lengths to accommodate for the various types of coupon, probe, and injection quill configurations.This Crossover Bleed Nipple is commonly paired with the Rysco Retractable Corrosion Coupon Holders and Retractable.
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- Products
- Maximum operating pressure of 6000 psig at 204°C (41,369kpa 399°F ) or 232°C (450°F) for high temperature applications
- Minimum operating temperature of -56°C (-69°F)
- Mounting options for 2”- 36” pipelines
- 2” Flange ratings from 150# - 2500#
- Materials of construction A105, A350LF2, 316SS
- Meets NACE MR0175
- Canadian Registration Number