The Rysco ER Data Logger is designed to provide accurate electrical resistance measurements of corrosion probes. In our design, we have eliminated the use of expensive yet cumbersome handheld devices by implementing our revolutionary smart battery. This battery is easily programmable and interfaces with the Rysco logger to continually store resistance measurements. After a given period of time, the battery can be safely removed without compromising the hazardous area rating. Simply plug the battery into our smart hub, hit download, and view data. All computer software is easy to install and does not require administration access. Rysco’s proprietary software calculates all resistance measurements into physical metal loss values. Our dedicated team members then work closely with all our clients to correlate these metal loss values to corrosion related events.
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- Five year battery lifespan with 50,000 data point memory capacity
- Hazardous Area Certification: Ex m[ia] IIB T3 Gb; Ta = -40°C To +85°C
- Battery has visible LED status indicators for OK, WARNING and ERROR
- Battery can be removed or replaced for data download without affecting the hazardous area rating
- Battery configuration and download software is plug and play for Windows OS Seven and later
- Compatible with all manufacturers ER probes
- Supplied as standard with custom mounting bracket