Corrosion coupons are small test specimens that are exposed for a fixed period within a process environment. At the end of the fixed period, the corrosion coupon is removed from the process environment and analyzed for the time averaged General Corrosion Rate, Pitting Corrosion, sessile bacteria and solids if required. Of importance with corrosion coupon monitoring is the placement within the process and within the infrastructure to provide representative results. Corrosion coupons provide an economical approach to internal corrosion monitoring and material evaluations. Rysco Corrosion Services are available to provide equipment sales, manufacturing, data interpretation, lab analysis, and field services in support of weight-loss corrosion coupons.
- Category
- Products
- Maximum operating pressure of 6000 psig at 204°C (41,369kpa 399°F ) or 232°C (450°F) for high temperature applications
- Minimum operating temperature of -56°C (-69°F)
- Mounting options for 2”- 36” pipelines
- 2” Flange ratings from 150# - 2500#
- Materials of construction A105, A350LF2, 316SS
- Meets NACE MR0175
- Canadian Registration Number